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Our programs have a fee, but we’re not in it for the money. If you need financial support, just let us know !

Ongoing Programs

These two programs shown below run throughout the year and you are welcome to join it anytime.

To know more or to register click here

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About EKF (Existential Knowledge Foundation)

Existential knowledge foundation has been set up to understand why learning is central to life, what knowledge is required to sustain life and how human beings learn naturally. The foundation has been set up naturally in response to dealing with the various damages that modern schooling has been inflicting on almost all aspects of life including the very process of learning.

The Initiative has been holding dialogues, retreats, workshops to create awareness about the true nature of learning, the need for authenticity and originality, need for creating conducive environment for the real development of children.

Our courses

    • Natural Learning

    • Why ,What and How children learn ?

    • Damages of Schooling

    • Being in Beauty

    • Do-nothing Parenting

    • Drawing as Cognition

    • RESET

    • How children learn Language ?

    • From word to the World.