Donations to Foundation :

All donations made using the website are absolutely non- refundable. However, only in certain special conditions , the website owner (Existential Knowledge Foundation) may consider refund. Please write an email to with all payment details and explaining the reason for claiming refund. The final decision will rest with EKF in this matter.

Payments made for Courses :

All payments made for courses (online, offline , webinars, long term or short term) are refundable under following conditions :-

  1. If course is cancelled due to some EKF related issues – 100% refund will be granted within 30 days of course cancellation announcement date.
  2. If courses are to be cancelled due to reasons not directly in control of EKF (such as weather, state policies, pandemic etc..) – users may claim either 50% refund within 30 days or carry over the entire amount to next EKF course.
  3. If the user decides to not attend the course after making the payment, refunds will be applicable as follows :-
    1. 75% refund if informed EKF before 2 weeks of course commencement.
    2. 50% refund if informed EKF before 7 days of course commencement.
    3. No refund if refund is claimed less than 7 days of course commencement.

For any queries and issues please email us at